Bug Detector Advice for Women Who Don’t Like Being Watched

Believe it or not, the bug detector may be on the verge of topping the list of must-have accessories for women. Whereas once upon a time the bug detector was a techno-gadget found only in Hollywood spy sagas, today you’re just as likely to find a mini bug detector in your girlfriend’s purse. Why? The increasing affordability of surveillance equipment combined with the potential for worldwide exposure via the internet means that these days a bug detector is as much of a safety necessity for women as a mobile phone.

With annual sales of tiny spy cams now estimated to be over $100 million, the truth is that women will never know who may be secretly watching them unless they take action to protect their privacy with a personal bug detector. A bug detector, also known as an rf detector, is a device that senses radio frequencies produced by wireless devices including hidden cameras, microphones and active cell phones. There are many lightweight, pocket-sized bug detectors on the market today which are easy to use and highly effective. A bug detector like this is ideal for girls living in rented apartments who want to protect themselves from sleazy landlords or male visitors with unsavory intentions.


Bug detector for women's privacy

Bug detectors provide peace and privacy for women

A bug detector with lens finding technology is a must-have when venturing into public rest rooms, store change rooms, tanning booths or hotel rooms. This kind of bug detector is small enough to carry in your handbag and is designed to pick up even the tiniest pinhole camera lens, whether it’s wireless or not. Simply look through the bug detector’s viewfinder and slowly scan the room. The bug detector will show up any hidden cameras as bright reflected spots.

Women with controlling partners who suspect their activities are being monitored also stand to benefit from the privacy protection and emotional relief afforded by a bug detector. A portable bug detector is ideal for completing a thorough search for transmitting devices both inside and outside the home as well as the car, which may also have been fitted with a GPS tracker. In addition to standard rf detector units which seek out wireless cameras and microphones, inexpensive phone tap bug detectors can be fitted to telephones and are designed to emit a signal when someone is eavesdropping on another extension or the line has been tapped.

Gone are the days when diamonds were a girl’s best friend – the bug detector is definitely the number one accessory choice for stylish women who refuse to be the victims of unscrupulous predators and privacy invaders.